One Tooth Implant

Dental Implant
Burute Dental Clinic
Do you know what is a Dental Implant ?
Dental Implant is a Screw like structure placed in bone on which new tooth is fitted
Burute Dental Clinic
What is the Requirement of One tooth Dental Implant ?
1.  The area where you want to place an Implant should have enough bone to fit the Implant. (A standard size implant has a 3.5mm diameter, to place this Implant you should have at least 6-7mm bone thickness)
2.  Along with good bone thickness, the bone quality should be dense and infection-free
3.  Medical conditions like Diabetes, Heart Disease, etc., should be well controlled
4.  Space Available for Implant Cap
At the Clinic, we will first Check the above requirements with basic tests and conclude how successful your Implant Treatment will be
Burute Dental Clinic
Procedure In One Tooth Implant
1.  Your Implant Surgery will be scheduled in the morning
2.  The Implants area in your mouth will be anesthetized with Local Anesthesia Injection in the least painful way possible
3.  Holes will be drilled as the size of the selected Implants
4.  The Dental Implants are placed and tightened adequately
5.  Precaution is taken to ensure that the Implants are positioned with enough bone surrounding them
6.  The Angle of the Implants is designed to facilitate easy placement of the Implant Bridge
7.  Some stitches are placed to prevent infection of the Implants
8.  Sufficient rest is advised before providing further instructions
Burute Dental Clinic
Implant Cap Procedure
 After 3-3.5 months, the Implant will fuse with the bone to form a solid and unmovable part
 Implant strength / Implant stability will be checked with an advanced radiofrequency unit
 Measurement for Implant cap will be taken with a 3D Scanner and our dental lab will create the cap for that Implant
 The cap will be fitted along with a few instructions to follow
Burute Dental Clinic
Specialties at Burute Dental
 We have a team of 3 Implantologists trained for years in performing procedures like yours
 With our experience, we have gathered all types of advanced equipment to provide you with the perfect long-lasting result
 We prioritize the comfort of every patient and cater to their unique needs, ensuring a relaxed and pleasant overall experience
 We offer affordable costs while maintaining high-end treatment standards in our ultra-modern Implant Center
 Our doctors dedicate time and effort to answer your questions and address any doubts. We spend long hours comforting our patients
 We deliver transparent and genuine treatment without compromising on quality